St. John's is preparing for a very exciting Easter season. Our next big upcoming event is open to the broader community as well.
Beginning on Saturday, April 8th we will host our annual Easter Egg Hunt at St John's. This is a great family friendly environment for kids of all ages. There will be cookies, crafts, story time, and an egg hunt. Our congregation spends the weeks leading up to the event filling plastic eggs with candy in preparation for all those eggs that are hidden during that event. This event is open to the entire community and everyone is welcome to join in on the fun.
Throughout Lent we have been joining together at 6pm on Wednesdays for soup suppers and fellowship as we prepare for Easter. Members of the congregation have volunteered to provide soup each week so we have enjoyed a wide variety of soups with many more yet to come.
Holy Week
Maundy Thursday Services (April 13) will be held at St John's at 5pm but the 4 historic downtown churches will celebrate at 7pm at Bedford First Christian Church.
St John's will host the Good Friday service and have invited Bedford First Christian Church, First Presbyterian Church, and Bedford First United Methodist Church to join us at 7pm on Friday, April 14, 2017.
On Sunday, April 16th Mother Joan will begin our Easter services at 9:45am with the lighting on the new fire outside of St John's. Our new Bishop-Elect, Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows will lead the service and celebrate Easter with us. We will be having brunch following the service to allow us all the opportunity to greet the Bishop-Elect. This will be her first time seeing St John's as she is preparing for consecration on April 29.
We will be continuing our annual tradition of having a fresh flower cross decorating our facility for Easter - you are welcome to bring any flowers that you may have around your home to add to the cross. There is also a sign-up sheet in the parish hall for anyone wanting to sponsor an Easter Lilly that will be on display during Easter.
We are also currently accepting RSVPs (by April 8th) for those interested in attending these upcoming diocesan events:
- On April 22, A Liturgy to Celebrate the Life and Ministry of Bishop Catherine Waynick
-On April 29, Ordination and Consecration of The Reverend Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows as the 11th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis
Please considering joining us for any or all of these exciting events!